Whitney Dineen

USA Today Bestselling author Whitney Dineen is a rock star in her own head. While delusional about her singing abilities, there’s been a plethora of validation that she’s a fairly decent author (AMAZING!!!). After winning many writing awards and selling nearly a kabillion books (math may not be her forte, either), she’s decided to let the voices in her head say whatever they want (sorry, Mom). She also won a fourth-place ribbon in a fifth-grade swim meet in backstroke. So, there’s that.

Whitney loves to play with her kids (a.k.a. dazzle them with her amazing flossing abilities), bake stuff, eat stuff, and write books for people who “get” her. She thinks french fries are the perfect food and Mrs. Roper is her spirit animal.

***Super fans, please check out my reading group Eat, Laugh, Love on Facebook for early announcements and other good stuff: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1145541502567944

***If you’re the average run of the mill fan, go here–where you will still have plenty of fun: https://www.facebook.com/Whitney-Dineen-Author-11687019412

First Place at the Top Shelf Book Awards, 2020

Gold Medal winner at the International Readers’ Favorite Awards, 2017.

Silver medal winner at the International Readers’ Favorite Awards, 2015, 2016, 2019, 2020

Finalist RONE Awards, 2016, 2018, 2019.

Finalist at the IRFA 2016, 2017.

Finalist at the Book Excellence Awards, 2017

Finalist Top Shelf Indie Book Awards, 2017